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Jim Rafferty - Author, Leader by Accident

Jim Rafferty is author of Leader by Accident: Lessons in Leadership, Loss and Life, to be published in October 2021 by Morgan James Publishing. Leader by Accident recounts the tragedy that thrust Jim into a demanding volunteer role, and how that experience fueled a subsequent journey into entrepreneurship.

Jim is a marketing and communications consultant and Principal of JMRketing, LLC, in Baltimore, Maryland. A former radio announcer and program director, Jim now puts three decades of marketing experience to work in helping businesses communicate more effectively with their audiences. Incurably married and the father of two grown children, Jim spends his spare time singing wherever people will listen and sharing cringe-worthy Dad jokes on social media.


Audio : https://anchor.fm/richard-lamonica/episodes/Jim-Rafferty---Author--Leader-by-Accident-e1gj7ph